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This FREE 12-Week Health Transformation provides a personal Health Coach and a free daily email program to help you move forward towards optimal health.

From 18 to 80, women of all ages are joining the 12-Week Health Transformation to start their journey toward optimal health.

“With the 12-Week Health Transformation and my Medifast® 5 & 1 Plan®, I’ve completely changed the way I view health, and I’m doing things I never dreamed of doing before,” Telicia said. “I’m taking tennis shoes to family dinners so I can walk after eating, I’m getting a full eight hours of sleep every night, I’m stepping away from electronic devices at night, and I’m practicing mixed martial arts (MMA) and Zumba.” - 


Click here -- S.S.C. for Women

Whether you’re an average Joe or a weekend warrior, the 12-Week Health Transformation can help men become their best.


Thousands of men across the US have revitalized their health and and life with the 12-Week Health Transformation,
you can, too!

Click here -- S.S.C. for Men

FREE 12-Week Transformation™


Click Here to Sign Up



Amanda's Success Story


I’m living the life I want to live, the life I feel I deserve.


The Stop.Challenge.Choose 12-Week Health Transformation™ tossed me the key to my shackles, and now I’m enjoying some of the best health of my life. Combined with the Medifast® 5 and 1 meal plan, I shed 23 pounds* and established healthy habits that will last a lifetime through this program.



















As a supply chain analyst, my days are hectic, and I’m constantly processing new information and analyzing ways to increase a company’s efficiency. At work, my brain is active, but my body is not.


To cope with the stresses of work and the hustle-and-bustle lifestyle, I engaged in unhealthy habits.


My poor choices added up, and suddenly I was 31 years old and 182 pounds. I was tired, lazy, and stressed, and my pessimistic attitude was straining relationships and causing me to lose sleep.


With the 5 & 1 Plan®, takeout is a thing of the past. Now, I’m in the kitchen, cooking for myself and preparing balanced, healthy meals on a daily basis. This small decision—to take control of the food I eat—rippled into every area of my life.


I quit smoking. I cut back my drinks to only three or four per month. I started meditating. I read a book before bed instead of watching TV.


Amanda-Kiel-2013 wedding and after 12 weeksWhile the weight loss is a welcome result of these choices, the mental rejuvenation and the boost of confidence I’ve received from this program is almost indescribable. Now, I’m positive and upbeat, and I jolt out of bed after my six- to eight-hour slumber, ready to conquer each day and blaze my path toward optimal health. My friends and family have commented on my changes, and everyone loves the new me.


I’m living the life I want to live, the life I feel I deserve. And I have Dr. Wayne Andersen and the Stop.Challenge.Choose 12-Week Health Transformation™ to thank for it.

Click Here to Sign Up

Be sure to select the option "have a health coach" when signing up,
and use my name and coach ID:
Michael Callahan -- Coach ID: 815099361

The 12-Week Health Transformation, developed by New York Times bestselling health author, Take Shape For Life Co-Founder, and board-certified critical care physician Dr. Wayne Andersen, is designed to make optimal health accessible for anyone who wants it.

We don’t demand that you become an extreme athlete who swings sledge hammers and flips tires. And we don’t put you on a crash diet. Click here to learn more about our program.

Monday -  Friday 

8:00 am - 8:00 pm


9:00 am - 7:00 pm


© 2014 by Michael Callahan. Proudly created with


Michael Callahan is an independant health and business coach.  
You can follow Michael's daily inspiration  on his facebook Optimal Health Community -- Healthy Me and You
*Results vary. Typical weight loss on our program is 2-5 lbs per week for the first 2 weeks and 1-2 lbs per week thereafter.
**This program is not designed to diagnose or treat any condition. Consult with your own physician prior to starting any diet or exercise program.

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