The Healthy Games
6 Week Optimal Health and Weight Loss Challenge
Signup begins January 3rd, and the Games Begin January 12th
I am very excited about our new Healthy Games Challenge.
Weight loss and weight maintainers categories available... Participation points earn you money.
I want to personally invite you to this fun and exciting weight loss and maintenance challenge. Even if you do not want to lose weight and just want to maintain, you can still join and have the choice to do either one for your challenge.
This is also a great way for churches, businesses or other organizations to promote healthy goals with 10 or more competitors, you can compete directly with a your particular organization or challenge other companies or groups!
For only $20 (plus $2.49 processing) you get to be a part of this incredible 6-week challenge that offers daily motivation, healthy recipes, health assessments, etc. PLUS cash prizes with many winners just for completing the challenge!
I am inviting you and anyone you would like to personally challenge to join my team and compete for a $1,000 team prize!! Just remember you do NOT have to be doing any special program, you can use your own meals or any nutrition and exercise plan that you want!
Please private message me your contact information including email address for more details and I will send you the sign-up link for my team page as soon as the time is right!
This is going to be awesome and I would love to share it will all! Hope to hear from you soon!
The more friends you invite the more points you get. We will have categories for those with weight loss goals as well as those like me who are trying to maintain our healthy weight. Sign-up for the challenge -- starts September 1st. Start thinking now about who you want to challenge and have on your team! The more competitors we have, the more prizes and incentives that will be available.
Michael Callahan
Your Health Coach and Wellness Mentor
TSFL Coach ID: 815099361
Signup information coming soon!